There were some rare events in Tollywood where in a movie first made in Telugu is remade in other languages and the same is again dubbed for a release in Telugu. Still, our audience have shown the interest to keep the booking counters encouraged. Same seems to be the situation now with Allari Naresh's old yet new movie of 'Naa Allari.'
Astonishing thing to hear is, 'Naa Allari' is a film remade in Tamil as 'Kurumbu' from Naresh's own debut film 'Allari' directed by Vishnuvardhan of 'Panjaa' fame. Female star cast included Nikhitha and Diya. Of course, Tamil version did not fare as big as in Telugu yet Naresh got some sort of recognition. After a gap of nearly 10 years, 'Kurumbu' is dubbed into Telugu as 'Naa Allari' projecting the film as if it is a new product from Naresh.
Going by the present bad phase of Naresh with last film 'Bandipotu' declared an outright disaster, this 'Naa Allari' could further damage his career if the film is publicized as a direct Telugu flick. Audience doesn't mind putting the blame on Naresh for letting this havoc to happen. Better, he should stop this nuisance.