Actress cum politician Jayasudha’s son Shreyan is getting introduced to cinema industry as a hero with the film of ‘Basthi.’ This movie has completed the censor formalities to receive U/A Certificate. As we all know, audio of ‘Basthi’ composed by Pravin Immadi is released few days ago in the presence of Telangana Chief Minister KCR. The film is all set to release in theaters on July 3rd.
‘Basthi’ is said to be a romantic entertainer with good story, smart screenplay and directed by Vasu Manthena. The towering height of Shreyan is the big element young girls are seen to be quite impressed with. Among the new generation youngsters, Shreyan surely has high chances of registering as a robust personality.
Once ‘Basthi’ will be out in theaters on July 3rd, film analysts can be in a position to infer a statement on Shreyan’s actual abilities. With backing from Jayasudha, initial offers are not at all a problem. It is more left upon Shreyan to show the skill by selecting right scripts and right directors who can explore the best in him. Till then, let us wish him all the best.