The much alluring success achieved by ‘Bhale Bhale Magadivoy’ brought back Nani into good times. He was struggling with bad selection of scripts running on a lean patch from almost two to three years. After the happening of super hits like ‘Ala Modalaindi’ and ‘Eega,’ there was no stopping for the versatile artist. In fact, he made inroads into Kollywood with ‘Sega’ and ‘Aha Kalyanam’ which is worth to mention.
However, a row of failure rocked Nani’s career and he seems to have fell in a deep dilemma on how to bounce back. Thanks to Maruthi and Geetha Arts cashed on Nani’s best talent of sportive body language and huge comic timing like a boy next door. All this helped ‘Bhale Bhale Magadivoy’ to evolve as one of the big successes in recent times among the medium budgeted films.
‘Nani should not hurry up with the scripts. He must remain utmost cautious while judging the directors and producers before signing on the dotted lines. Any mistake in this speedy re-initiation times might prove costly. He should pick only those entertaining characters which suit his body language,’ said few of his industry well wishers.