Like quality entertainment is the chief demand from Overseas Telugu audience without much worried on casting factor, success of ‘Bhale Bhale Magadivoy’ and failure of many big films in parallel proves a strong point on tastes of Telugu NRIs. Looks like, young and energetic hero Ram is going to be the next big star in Overseas as per the early reports flowed in from other countries.
While ‘Nenu Shailaja’ garnered positive talk yesterday, collections are said to be on a quick rise from today morning shows. Occupancy rate was found to be 80 percent and above all over in both the Telugu speaking states. In parallel, overseas trade information says ‘Nenu Shailaja’ raked in $123 K including premieres which equals almost Rs. 80+ Lakhs, highest for Ram in his career.
With Christmas vacation still going on and holidays are yet to come to a closure in the USA, the first preference movie for Telugu NRIs is going to be ‘Nenu Shailaja.’ Well, coming two weeks is almost a vacuum in Tollywood. So, there can’t be any bigger opportunity for Ram to establish top most records of his career. Best point is, ‘Nenu Shailaja’ opened the New Year on a very positive note.