Sundeep Kishan’s upcoming film ‘Okka Ammayi Thappa’ audio was launched yesterday evening in Hyderabad and makers have also released the trailer. Directed by Rajasimha Thadinada and produced by Bhogadi Anji Reddy, the trailer directly shoots a point that this movie is not a regular commercial one but can be a romantic thriller set on Hi-Tech fly over.
Trailer began directly with Sundeep narrating twist in his love story with heroine Nithya Menon when sniper Ravi Kishen’s phone call disturbs his love and life. Then there’s action with a time bomb set for a blast somewhere in Hi-Tech city. How captain Ravi Kishen and player Sundeep Kishan played the game of wits seems to be the rest while comedians Sapthagiri, Prudhvi in their regular best characters added the humor.
For the first time, Sundeep Kishan is romancing Nithya Menon and Chota K Naidu’s camera work capturing the night shots is also promising. Mickey J Meyer is the music director. Overall, the plot outline is revealed in the trailer and we need to wait for complete movie to release on big screens.