From last few days, there are aggressive rumors circulated on Namrata is planning to make a comeback on screen by attempting a cameo in Mahesh Babu’s new movie in Murugadoss direction. The high budgeted project which took off very recently is going at rapid pace. As we all know, Namrata met Mahesh only as heroine before they fell in love and marriage happened. In those terms, Namrata isn’t new to glamour world and so is her sister Shilpa Shirodkar.
Anyways, Namrata openly denied them as baseless gossips because she hasn’t got any intention and time to act before camera because kids and husband Mahesh Babu’s career are her utmost importance.
‘I am not pairing up with Mahesh again and not hereafter as well. I am happy with what I am right now,’ Namrata Mahesh reported said. Apparently, Namrata is spending most of the time planning the promotions and managing the production works for almost all the films Mahesh committed. If she is enjoying this current nature of work, there is no purpose for Namrata to show her appearance on screen. As we all know, Namrata is the ultimate source of energy and backup for Mahesh's career growth in recent times.