Director Krishna Vamsi is making his upcoming flick ‘Nakshatram,’ a rich casting film by roping in plenty of artists. Starring Sundeep Kishan, Regina in main leads, as we reported yesterday there is huge padding from Prakash Raj, Kajal Agarwal, Sudeep and now latest we heard is Sai Dharam Tej’s cameo along with Pragnya Jaiswal of ‘Kanche’ fame bagging lengthy character.
Pragnya plays a stylish, glamorous police officer and will act in two deadly action sequences exclusively designed for her. After ‘Kanche,’ this is definitely a challenging character for her wherein she can showcase all her acting skills. She will be paired opposite Sai Dharam Tej in this flick.
Working with Krishna Vamsi can be called as a dream come true for any actor. Likewise, Sundeep Kishan signed this film for free and we heard the same about Pragnya, Regina, Kajal and others.