Chiyaan Vikram’s latest sensation ‘Iru Mugan’ released in Telugu as ‘Inkokkadu’ is going great guns. Despite the movie was released to divided verdict from critics, reactions from audience seem to be superbly encouraging. Telugu producer N Krishna Reddy apprehensive early on about ‘Inkokkadu’ overall result in Telugu states is now extremely happy almost recovering the whole investment of Rs. 8.5 Crores in association with Abhishek Pictures. Reports say, ‘Inkokkadu’ may run into profits in next couple of days.
Tamil producer Shibu Thameens who bankrolled huge amounts into making of this espionage thriller has officially declared ‘Iru Mugan’ and ‘Inkokkadu’ are jointly marching into 100 Crores club after raking Rs.51 Crores in first four days. Below is the breakup from Thameens:
First Day Thursday - 12.66 Crores
Second Day Friday - 10.12 Crores
Third Day Saturday - 13.94 Crores
Fourth Day Sunday - 14.47 Crores
>Total (World Wide) - 51.19 Crores (In just 4 Days)
Last couple of days, Vikram is aggressively promoting 'Inkokkadu' in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana on the name of success tour visiting a bunch of theaters. The film is said to be going strong in all the centres.