‘Gauthami Puthra Satakarni’ is the latest film from Nandamuri Balakrishna which kept Telugu audience in a cross waiting for release. The recently released trailer is said to be a tip of iceberg and there are a big load of surprises to enjoy on big screen.
Apart from ‘Gauthami Puthra Satakarni’ rated as a war based film with three huge battles shot between Satavahana empire and Shakas, Pahalvas and Yavanas; this period of Satakarni also marks the origin for various Indian musical forms. Satakarni himself was a musician and a professional Veena player. He was at ease in handling more than dozen musical instruments and this arched harp Veena as we see in above poster is one of them.
There are literary evidences in the form of Puranas and inscription in Nasik mentioned about art and cultural patronage in Satakarni kingdom.