UV Creations, the production house behind Anushka's Bhagmathi has finally announced an update about the film. The production house took to Twitter and announced that shooting of their film is complete. This is first major official update which would rejoice Sweety Fans.
Rumors are that Anushka will be seen as a fearless IAS officer who goes to any lengths to solve people’s issues in this movie. This will be Anushka's first Telugu movie after Baahubali - The Conclusion. Anyways, release plan of the movie is yet to be announced.
Bhagmathi production is delayed for a long time. The shooting also did not happen as per plan as Anushka put up a lot of weight for her Size Zero and later struggled to reduce. Pilla Jamindar fame Ashok is directing this movie. Finally, good to hear from Bhagmathi.