Mega Brother Naga Babu has been serving a beacon for Mega Fans and Power Star Fans trying to bridge the gap whenever he found such. In a latest interview, Naga Babu responded on a question about Mega Fans getting too vocal on social media in recent times and the same when happens with Fans of other heroes, there’s lot of friction resulting in dirty trolls.
‘I ask the Fans not to focus on unproductive works. I request them to divert all the attention towards positive thinking. Those who criticize on social media think that they have Freedom of Expression but must remember that Fans of other heroes will also have the same freedom to enjoy. So, one should not indulge in cheap talks.
Fans should direct their energies towards helping Pawan Kalyan and his Jana Sena in politics which will make a significant change to the society and people in coming days. In fact, I am ready and waiting to work for Jana Sena if Pawan Kalyan asks me to do so,’ Naga Babu said.
It is also worth to remind here on Naga Babu compared Pawan Kalyan with MGR, NTR, Raj Kumar and Chiranjeevi which is the quality that can make him a Chief Minister in near future.