Movie lovers can never forget the sensation created by ace director's Shankar's terrific take on corruption teaming with Universal Star Kamal Haasan for Bhaarateeyudu. The film which released two decades back stunned all with the twists and turns and for quite some time talk of sequel for the blockbuster went on.
Though fans got excited, nothing materialized until till recently Shankar and Kamal made announcement about the sequel. However Shankar speaking to scribes revealed that he got proposals from various filmmakers to come up with the sequel for the film.
He said however he never thought of sequel all these years, just because the project will get immense craze. He said even for Robot sequel 2.0, his thought process was on the similar lines.
He said one should make sequels only if they have strong story and speaking about Bhaarateeyudu 2, he said he got the idea of the sequel and story, seven years back. He said in Bhaarateeeyudu corruption was highlighted a lot and in the sequel,he planned to come with something novel.
“Irrespective of budget, visuals and extravagant sets, my preference will go only to the story. Real life happenings inspired me to do Bhaarateeyudu and now I’m getting inspiration from the real life happenings for the sequel as well,” informed Shankar.