Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma is known for his crazy announcements to hog the media limelight. RGV who knows how to use print, electronic and social media has shocked all by announcing the release of his film Bhairava Geetha with new comers on Oct 12.
Many got shocked at the guts of Ram Gopal Varma who planned to release his film Bhairava Geetha against Young Tiger NTR's Aravinda Sametha which is releasing on Oct 11. However RGV's courage and guts got confined to only announcements.
Doubts increased when RGV didn’t start the film promotions though the release date fast approached and finally RGV pulled the plug and announced that the film's release got postponed and it will now be releasing on Oct 26 after Dasara.
RGV with his antics however got all the required publicity for free of cost as he pitted his film till now against NTR's Aravinda Sametha. Finally RGV's detractors are saying he got scared of NTR.