World is waiting eagerly for the spectacular release of Super Star Rajinikanth's upcoming entertainer 2.0 directed by Shankar on Nov 29. The film which happens to be Asia's most expensive film is the sequel for Rajini's blockbuster film Robot. Expectations are soaring high as Rajini is romancing Amy Jackson and fighting Akshay kumar in the film for which music is scored by Rahman.
In the meantime, Telecom operators protested against the anti scientific attitude in the film. Cellular network operators lodged a complaint against the movie for promoting “obscurantist and anti-scientific attitudes against mobile phones, towers and mobile services.
The Cellular Association of India said the film was against the public interest and was defamatory and violates their constitutional rights. They filed a complaint with the Central Board of Film Certification and the Ministry of Information of Broadcasting, questioning how the film was censored.
In the complaint they argued that 2.0 falsely depicts “mobile phones and mobile towers as harmful to living creatures and the environment including birds and human beings on account of electromagnetic field (EMF) emissions from them.”
They called for the recall and revocation of the certification granted to the movie by the CBFC. The complaint was addressed to CBFC and the Central Government.