Many may wonder about the similarities between YS Rajasekhar Reddy’s biopic Yatra and Ram Gopal Varma's upcoming entertainer Lakshmi's NTR. If one observes closely, YSR contested on Congress party ticket and became CM of Andhra Pradesh twice. However in the film Yatra, no where one can see Congress party flag. In the flag resembling Congress party, instead of Hand symbol, symbol of fist was shown.
Similarly in Lakshmi's NTR, trailer which was launched yesterday, Ram Gopal Varma for all his explosive dialogues on NTR family members, instead of TDP flag featuring cycle, a rickshaw was shown.
The reason being the makers felt that if the symbols of the parties’ real flags are shown, they may get undue mileage in the election year and so showed flags with symbols similar to the flags in real life.