George Reddy is an upcoming film trailer of which has impressed several celebrities including Power Star Pawan Kalyan. The film directed by Jevan Reddy is heading for release on 22nd of this month.
With good response for teaser and trailer, makers are promoting the film with double josh. They have released an inspirational song Vijayam from the film.
George Reddy was a student leader, who founded the Progressive and Democratic Students Union (PDSU) which ruled the roost in the campus of Osmania University during the 1970s.
The song Vijayam depicts how George Reddy inspired youth to work for the welfare of the poor and fought against the discrimination, minority oppression and human rights at various stages in the university and society, after he became victorious in the college elections.
Suresh Bobbili has come up with a wonderful tune and Anurag Kulkarni delivers a neat rendition. Lyrics by Chaithanya Prasad are motivational.
George Reddy starring Sandeep Madhav in titular role will celebrate its pre-release event on 17th of this month and Pawan Kalyan is likely to attend the event.
Click here for Vijayam Song