R.Narayanamurthy is renowned for his thought provoking and hard-hitting films highlighting the social issues on the silver screen. For his honest attempts, Narayanamurthy is hailed as the People's Star. According to the latest, Narayanamurthy suffered a huge personal loss. His mother Chittemma passed away today early morning.
Chittemma was aged 93 and she was suffering from various health problems related to her age for many years. She breathed her last today at her residence located in Mallam Peta, Rowthulapudi Mandal, East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh. Condolence messages are pouring in from all quarters to Narayanamurthy.
Fans of Narayanamurthy are tear struck and they are praying to God to give strength to Narayanamurthy and his family members to overcome the personal loss. Chittemma's final rites will be held today evening in the presence of near and dear ones.