King Nagarjuna is starring in a spy thriller titled The Ghost. The film is racing for a grand release on October 5 as a Dasara special. According to the latest the makers revealed the Nagarjuna's weapon Tamahagane secret. They also shared that the film's trailer will be released on August 25.
Sharing the details the makers came up with a video. The promo actually begins with someone cautioning Nagarjuna about the entire underworld coming for him. We can see a file named ‘Red Notice’ in the drawer which apparently has all the secrets about the underworld.
Then, Nagarjuna opens a huge box where he finds this raw steel named Tamahagane. He makes a sharp sword with it to take on the underworld. “The sword feels proud in the hands of The King,” reads the quote in the promo. Nag cuts a hard steel into two pieces which shows the sharpness of the object.
When the underworld almost reaches his place, he blasts the power supply system. Finally, The Ghost is ready to counter attack the enemies with Tamahagane. It’s revealed in the end that Tama means precious and Hagane means steel. Nagarjuna is playing the role of an interpolation officer. Bharath and Saurab elevated the proceedings with his background score. Sonal Chauhan, Gul Panag and Anikha Surendran are playing vital roles. Music is tuned by Mark K Robin. The Ghost b is bankrolled on massive scale under Sree Venkateshwara Cinemas LLP and Northstar Entertainment Banners.