Mega Star Chiranjeevi will be celebrating his birthday in couple of days from now. Ahead of his birthday, Chiranjeevi endeared himself to all with his gesture and promise. Chiranjeevi who launched the Jersey and Logo of CCC, speaking on the occasion announced that he would build a hospital and name it after his father Konidela Venkat Rao. He said he will ensure that the hospital will come into operation before his next birthday.
He said the proposed hospital will be for the benefit of the film workers and added that even cancer tests will be done free and it will be equipped with all super speciality facilities. He said he will bear the entire cost and also added that if anyone would like to be part of it,he would happily agree.
The moment Chiranjeevi made this announcement film star Srikanth and his team donated Rs 20 lakhs for the hospital. Chiranjeevi said it is dream to come with a 10 bed hospital in Chitrapuri Colony, Hyderabad.