Ponniyin Selvan directed by Maniratnam is releasing on September 30. The makers are promoting the film and are leaving no stone unturned as the entire Kollywood views it as a prestigious project and has the capacity to beat Bahubali at the box office. The makers are getting ready for the film's pre-release event and the inside talk is the film's event will be celebrated in style on September 23 at JRC Conventions, Hyderabad from 6 PM onwards.
Top celebrities are expected to grace the event as the chief guest for the function. The film has a star-studded cast of Vikram, Karthi,Aishwarya Rai, Jayam Ravi,Trisha,Aiswarya Lakshmi,Ashwin Kakamanu in important roles. Oscar winner Rahman tuned music for the film while Maniratnam penned the story along with B.Jeyamohana and Elango Kumaravel.
The film is based on the novel Ponniyin Selvan written by Kalki Krishnamurthy in 1955 and is releasing in two parts.