Parineeti Chopra's latest espionage thriller titled Code Name Tiranga, co-starring singer-actor Harrdy Sandhu released in theatres on October 14. The film recorded a poor opening at just around ₹15 lakh. It clashed with Ayushmann Khurrana's campus comedy titled Doctor G, which had an opening of around ₹3.25 crore and with Kannada dubbing film Kantara which also garnered around ₹1.25 crore.
Code Name Tiranga is written and directed by Ribhu Dasgupta. The film collected in the range of ₹10-15 lakh nett despite cheap ticket rates at ₹100 on its first day. Parineeti plays an undercover RAW agent called Durga in Code Name Tiranga, which marks her second collaboration with The Girl On The Train director Ribhu Dasgupta.
Parineeti had huge hopes on Tiranga and it turned out to be a huge disappointment. The film is entirely shot in Turkey with a budget of Rs 25 Crores. Now looking at day one numbers it is ruled out that the film even recover 10% of its budget.