Deepika Padukone has been in the news recently for various reasons. Deepika Padukone has set the temperature soaring with her stills from Pathaan's upcoming song 'Besharam Rang'. In one of the still Deepika is seen in a yellow bikini, gazing into the camera, oozing charm.
In another still Deepika made everyone swooning with yet another hot avatar in gold swimwear. As ‘Besharam Rang’ will be unveiled on December 12, Deepika, on Friday, shared a glimpse of her look from the track.
Te song is supposedly set to present Deepika at her hottest best and showcase the breathtaking chemistry between her and Shah Rukh Khan. Director Siddharth Anand revealed that Besharam Rang song will present two of the biggest superstars of our generation Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone in their hottest avatar yet. The team is confident that it will become party anthem.
Pathaan is also co-starring John Abraham is schedules to release on January 25th, 2023 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. Yashraj Films are bank-rolling the project on a massive scale.