KGF franchise turned out to be a sensation at the box office across the country. The first two parts starred Yash who rocked as Rocky Bhai under the direction of Prashant Neel. All eyes are on the film's third part. In the meantime, producer Vijay Kirangadur came up with the most surprising and shocking update. He said New Stars will take on the KGF baton and the sequels will have new stars as heroes instead of Yash.
He said the KGF franchise is planned like a Marvel kind of Universe and new stars will be playing the lead roles just like in James Bond films in Hollywood. Though nothing has been confirmed Vijay Kirangadur confirmed that KGF 3 will be released in 2024. He said ", Prashanth Neel (director of KGF) is currently busy with Prabhas starrer Salaar. Around 30-35% of the shooting is done. The next schedule is slated to begin next week. We hope to complete it by October-November this year. So, we plan to begin the shoot for KGF3 after October this year. We hope to release the film by 2024.”
He said ""There will be five sequels to the KGF series, and the heroes will keep changing,"