Avatar 2: The Way of Water creates history by becoming the highest-grossing Hollywood film in India. The film by grossing Rs 368.20crs at the box office surpassed Avengers The Endgame collections of Rs 367crs. Sharing the details, top trade analyst and film critic, Taran Adarsh posted "#Avatar2 creates HISTORY… Emerges the HIGHEST GROSSING #Hollywood film in #India by surpassing *lifetime biz* of #AvengersEndgame.⭐️ #Avatar2: ₹ 368.20 cr NBOC ⭐️ #AvengersEndgame: ₹ 367 cr NBOC #India biz. #Avatar #AvatarTheWayOfWater"
The James Cameron's Pandora world and the masterpiece shattered many records in the process though the film got mixed reviews and especially Hollywood critics panned it mercilessly. Movie lovers are blown away by the breathtaking visuals and stunning extravaganza in the 3D format. The film now got a stunning returns of over 150% leaving the trade pundits shellshocked.
The film starred Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldaña, Stephen Lang, Joel David Moore, CCH Pounder, Giovanni Ribisi, Dileep Rao,Matt Gerald,Sigourney Weaver,Kate Winslet, Cliff Curtis, Edie Falco, Jemaine Clement, and Brendan Cowell in important roles and continued the journey of Jakes Sully in the world of Pandora.