Popular comedian turned director AVS is once again getting ready to show his talent for Telugu audience as his Troop of Monkeys (Kotimooka) are releasing today. Treated as a disastrous director for delivering three duddest of duds in line, now AVS is speaking about commercial success of ‘Kotimooka.’
With Krishnudu as hero joined by sex siren Shraddha Arya, ‘Kotimooka’ really has entire troop of our Telugu comedians with dialogues and script provided by comedy specialist Janardhana Maharshi. As AVS has a typical taste in selecting his heroines like fleshy Navneet Kaur, Sangeetha and now Shraddha Arya; audience can expect atleast a bit of entertainment from this hot bomb.
Let us wait for few more hours to know, will this movie be a humanly affair or truly an affair of monkeys standing to its title.