It is almost confirmed that Rajasekhar and Jeevita will jump into TDP in next two to three days. As YS Jaganmohan Reddy’s mania is going full swing in Kadapa for coming by polls, here is Roja playing the key role in YSR Congress Party was asked by media to react on the comments from Rajasekhar and Jeevita.
‘I don’t understand why they attended the Deeksha in Vijayawada? Politics is not like ‘Pelli’ and ‘Perantam’ to call each and every one in the Party by keeping them ‘Bottu’ to attend the meetings. How can Rajasekhar think that wearing of cooling glasses and jeans by him would affect Jagan’s charisma? How silly are his comments? I leave everything to their own common sense without commenting on them,’ said Roja laughing at the pity state of actor couple.