The City Police on Thursday foiled the attempt of Telangana Jagruthi president Kavitha and her supporters to take out padayatra from Ambedkar Statue at Tankbund to Assembly building demanding installation of constitutional architect Dr B R Ambedkar's statue in premises of State Legislative Assembly ,
After garlanding the statue of Dr Ambedkar, Kavitha started her padayatra. However, the police foiled her padayatra and took her and a few other Jagruthi activists into their custody. They were later shifted to Nampally police station.
Talking to media persons, she threatened to intensify her agitation if the government fails to install Ambedkar's statue in the assembly premises.
Condemning her arrest, Kavitha blamed the State Government for the desecration of Dr Ambedkar's statues in Amalapuram in East Godavari district. She demanded that the government take stringent action against those responsible for the incident and take steps to ensure that such acts are not repeated.
Kavitha also appealed to the government to re-installing the statues and restore law and order in the district.