Union Health Minister and in-charge of State Congress affairs Ghulam Nabi Azad on Wednesday said that the outcome of assembly elections in five states would not have any negative impact on the Andhra Pradesh, where the by-elections were being held for seven Assembly constituencies.
Talking to media persons, Azad said that the Congress party has failed in Uttar Pradesh mainly due to organisational lapses and due to selection of wrong candidates. However, the election results would not have any impact on the Andhra Pradesh as the party has strong base in the State, he said.
Azad said that the high command has directed the State leaders to make all efforts for the victory of Congress aspirants in the ensuing by-elections in Telangana region and Kovvur Assembly segment. He expressed confidence that the Telangana people would repose their faith on the Congress as it would take a final decision on Telangana tangle.
Responding to nomination of candidates for Rajya sabha, Azad said the high command was yet to take a decision in this regard. He said that the high command has not promised anything over re-nominating K Kesava Rao to Rajya Sabha.