Rajya Sabha member V Hanumantha Rao on Friday announced that the Medho Madanam, the introspection meet, being organised by him would help in regaining the past glory of Congress party, which suffered defeat in the recent by-elections.
Talking to media persons after reviewing the arrangements for Medho Madanam at Jubilee Hall to be held from Saturday, Hanumantha Rao said he has invited all the leaders including DCC presidents, former Youth Congress leaders, senior leaders and office-bearers. He said that those leaders, who are supporting the Congress party president Sonia Gandhi’s leadership, would participate in the programme and make efforts to regain past glory of party.
Stating that the Congress party did not conducted Medho Madanam since the death of former chief minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy, Hanumantha Rao said that the PCC and State Government have witnessed tough time as they did not review their failures at an appropriate time. He also criticised former government advisor and Rajya Sabha member K V P Ramachandra Rao for releasing a book on former chief minister YSR’s padayatra at this juncture.
The Rajya Sabha MP accused KVP of indulging in anti-party activities and said his moves would directly benefit the YSR Congress party.