Rajya Sabha member K Chiranjeevi on Saturday stated that the Medho Madanam organised by Congress senior leader V Hanumantha Rao should instill confidence among the party rank and file.
Talking to media persons after participating in Medho Madanam at Jubilee Hall, Chiranjeevi said that similar programmes should be organized in all district headquarters to understand the problems being faced by the party. He hoped that the Medho Madanam would strengthen the party at the grass root level and help it face 2014 elections boldly. Admitting lack of coordination between the government and party in taking welfare schemes to the doorsteps of beneficiaries, he said that the party has suffered a major defeat in the recent by-elections for the same reason.
Chiranjeevi appealed to the party to focus its attention on the implementation of Dharmana committee recommendations to revamp the party. Demanding that the government introduce a Sub-plan for Backward communities on the lines of SC, ST Sub-plan, he said that the party has to reserve 104 seats for BCs as part of its commitment.
The Rajya Sabha MP asked the Congress High Command not to extend any support to those indulging in anti-party activities and creating problems for both the government and party.