Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy has directed the officials to work out detailed guidelines and implementation mechanism for “Bangaru Talli”, which aims the Girl Child to be incentivise for all-round growth and to achieve mile stones in her life.
The Chief Minister held a high level preliminary review meeting on “Bangaru Talli” scheme here on Tuesday at the State Secretariat. Ministers - K Jana Reddy, Ponnala Lakshmaiah, Pithani Satyannarayana, Dr S Sailajanath, D Manikya Vara Prasad, Suneetha Lakshma Reddy, Chief Secretary Dr PK Mohanty and other senior officials attended the review meeting.
The Chief Minister stated that the primary objective of 'Bangaru Talli' scheme is to enhance the social status of the Girl Child, delay age of marriage which is very important from the health and educational perspective of the Girl Child as also to incentivise institutional delivery, registration of birth, immunisation, anganwadi enrolment leading to better nutrition and improving the educational standards of the Girl Child by ensuring retention at the primary, upper primary, secondary and higher education levels.
The Bangaru Talli scheme seeks to achieve the above objectives by conditional cash transfer on achieving the conditions of institutional deliveries, birth registration, complete immunisation, enrolment in anganwadies and study up to Graduation.
The Chief Minister also expressed his concern at the adverse child-sex ratio in Andhra Pradesh which has further deteriorated from 962 in 2001 to 943 in 2011. He also observed that there were still many aspects of the scheme, which required better clarity and directed all the concerned departments to finalise the modalities at the earliest, so that the draft prepared can be taken up for further discussions and finalisation in the meeting of the Council of Ministers.