Rajya Sabha MP and senior Congress leader V Hanumantha Rao on Sunday alleged that Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy was crossing all limits in criticising the Congress High Command on the issue of bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh.
Speaking to media persons in the Assembly premises here, VHR ridiculed the challenge thrown by the Chief Minister to Congress High Command and described him as an immature in politics. He said it was Sonia Gandhi who elevated Kiran Kumar Reddy to the Chief Minister's post. However, now Kiran Kumar Reddy is assuming that he is more powerful than the Congress High Command, he said.
VHR said that the political careers of those who confronted the Congress High Command have seen an abrupt end and the same would happen to Kiran Kumar Reddy. He advised the Chief Minister to stay in his limits. He said that the Congress party has its own strategy to pass the Telangana Bill in the Parliament even if gets defeated in the State Legislative Assembly.