Hero Sharwanand's upcoming film 'Radha' teaser was out this evening and got sublime response from the viewers. Sharwa's comic angle in police avatar was reflected in the dialogue, "Dushta Shikshana..Shishta rakshana cheyadaniki appatlo Krishnudu puttadu. Ippudu ee polisodu puttadu." Sharwa looked macho and handsome as a police. Hero seems to have had good practice in rotating his revolver and lathi stylishly.
Fun-filled fights with goons further betokened that it's going to be an out and out comedy entertainer. And then, voracious beauty Lavanya Tripathi, who flaunted her midriff, killed the youth with her ecstatic looks.
BGM scored by Radhan appeared apt for the teaser cut while the visuals were appropriate to the content. Debutant director Chandra Mohan seems to have promised a laugh riot with this interesting film.