Horror and thrilling elements in Mummy series films have been enthralling the audience since 1932. Egyptian backdrop was one of the highlights of every film. The first part of the new series of Mummy hit screens across the globe today and received poor reports.
Though Superstar Tom Cruise played protagonist and Sofia Boutella was seen as a damsel in distress, the film couldn't live upto the expectations of 'The Mummy' series films lovers. The biggest setback is said to be the backdrop was shifted from Egypt to Irag. Besides, strange creatures which shocked and threatened the audience in previous films were seen nowhere in the film. In short, the film is said to be more of an action thriller instead of being a horror thriller. Yet, following sequences might amaze you when watching.
* The raise of coffin in a tunnel
* Plane crash scene
* Mummy chasing hero's vehicle
* Climax episode