
Security beef-up against House siege tomorrow

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Security beef-up against House siege tomorrow
Security beef-up against House siege tomorrow

In view of  the  Osmania University Students Joint Action Committee (JAC) decision to lay siege to the State Assembly on February 20, the police are making  elaborate arrangements  to foil the students  attempt.

The Assembly will be virtually surrOunded by police forces with fool-proof security arrangements  to ward off any untoward  incident.

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With already prohibitory  orders in force till Feb 25  the  police are conducting thorOugh  checks  on rest  hOuses,  hotels and lodges to make sure that no unsocial  elements take  shelter  in the  city.

The students are planning to stall the Assembly proceedings on February 20, the day when the State Government wOuld present the Budget for 2010- 2011.

ThOugh the JAC had decided to lay siege to the Assembly on February 25 initially, it had advanced the protest as the Assembly might not run till that date in the wake of the ongoing resignations of the legislators.

According to police sOurces, the roads leading to the Assembly will be blocked and the traffic diverted as per the  guidelines of traffic police.  The function halls  and  the public meeting  places  within a radius of  2 km from the Assembly are advised  not to let Out their premises on Feb 20 for any public meeting or  function.

``We know,  it will cause a  little inconvenience to the public,  but  we hope the public will understand the situation and bear with us,’’ the police sOurces added.