Boys Hostel suicide at BO. Super Hit Kannada film Boys Hostel was released in Telugu with little changes last week. Supriya produced the film on her Annapurna Studios banner to release the film in Telugu. The film which starred ManjunathNayaka, Prajwal BP,Srivatsa Shyam, Tejas Jayanna, Shreyas Sharma,Anirudha Vedanthi,Abhi Das,Gagan Ram, Rishabh Shetty, Pawan Kumar, Diganth Manchale and directed by debutante Nithin Krishnamurthy got the unanimous positive talk.
However much to the shock of all, the film turned out to be a failure in Telugu. Now people are wondering who was responsible for Boys Hostel's suicide. Many feel that though top production house Annapurna Studios entered the project along with Chai Bisket, they failed to promote the film and attract the attention of viewers.
Neither Annapurna Studios nor Chai Bisket team could generate pre release buzz on Boys Hostel and even after the film release, they failed to create any promotional blitz. Infact they ended up murdering the blockbuster film in Sandalwood in Telugu. This puts a question mark on their promotional strategies.
This is stark contrast to how Geetha Arts promoted the superhit film Rishabh Shetty's Kantara, Kannada version in Telugu before releasing the Telugu version and arranging for special screenings. The same is the case with Dil Raju who promoted Tamil film Love Today and scored a blockbuster releasing the Telugu version. One cannot forget the Bunny Vas' promotional strategy for superhit Malayalam film 2018. Surely Annapurna Studios needs to introspect its promotional strategies along with Chai Bisket.