The highly anticipated sequel to "iSmart Shankar", "Double Ismart", starring Ustaad Ram Pothineni and directed by Puri Jagannath, has hit a snag even before its release. The second lyrical song, "Maar Muntha Chod Chinta", has sparked a controversy due to its use of a popular dialogue by former Telangana Chief Minister KCR, "Em Jeddamantav Mari".
The song's use of the dialogue has drawn ire from KCR supporters and Telangana advocates, who perceive it as disrespectful and a misrepresentation of Telangana's culture. Criticism has been directed towards the song's writers, director Puri Jagannath, and singer Rahul Sipliganj, alleging that the inclusion of the dialogue insults KCR and portrays Telangana culture as associated with drinking.
The controversy is a surprising turn of events for the "iSmart Shankar" franchise, which previously enjoyed a smooth run. The backlash has taken social media by storm, with debates raging over the song's intent and impact.
The "Double Ismart" team faces a tricky situation. It remains to be seen how they will address this controversy. Will they modify the song, replacing the dialogue with an alternative, or will they stand by their creative choices? The outcome of this dispute could significantly influence the film's reception.