The epic tale of Ramayana continues to captivate audiences, inspiring numerous adaptations across mediums. While the recent Bollywood film 'Adipurush', featuring Prabhas as Lord Ram, faced immense criticism for its perceived distortion of the story and poor execution, another ambitious 'Ramayanam' project is in the works.
Directed by Nitish Tiwari, known for his acclaimed 'Dangal', this 'Ramayan' stars Ranbir Kapoor as Lord Ram and Sai Pallavi as Sita, and is currently in the filming stage.
Now, whispers suggest that Prabhas has been approached to portray the powerful and majestic character of Lord Parashuram in this film. This news has sent ripples through the industry, especially considering the backlash Prabhas received for his portrayal in 'Adipurush'.
The choice of Prabhas for this role is intriguing, as his powerful screen presence and commanding stature could indeed bring a unique dimension to the character. However, the question remains whether Prabhas will accept the role, particularly after the recent negative experience.
Trade pundits believe that Prabhas' involvement would further elevate the film's star power, potentially adding a massive Pan-India appeal with the presence of three leading Pan-India stars – Ranbir Kapoor, Prabhas, and potentially Yash, rumored to be in talks for the role of Ravana.
The official announcement about Prabhas's potential role in 'Ramayan' is eagerly awaited. If confirmed, it would undoubtedly create a buzz and put this ambitious film on the fast track to becoming a box office phenomenon. However, only time will tell if Prabhas chooses to revisit the world of Ramayana, this time with a different character and possibly a different outcome.