Actress Priyanka Arul Mohan is reportedly in talks to play the female lead in Chiyaan 63, alongside Chiyaan Vikram. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Madonne Ashwin, known for Mandela and Maaveeran, this project promises immense potential. Vikram fans are thrilled about the collaboration, anticipating another impressive performance from their favorite actor.
Priyanka Mohan's career is gaining momentum, with notable opportunities in Tamil and Telugu cinema. Besides Chiyaan 63, she is set to star in OG, a highly anticipated Telugu film alongside Pawan Kalyan. Her versatility and talent have captured the attention of audiences and critics alike.
Vikram's Veera Dheera Sooran is scheduled for a January-end release, initially planned for Pongal 2025 but postponed. Fans eagerly await this action-packed film, showcasing Vikram's signature intensity. With Chiyaan 63 and Veera Dheera Sooran, Vikram is set to dominate the screens in 2025.
Madonne Ashwin's direction has received widespread acclaim for Mandela and Maaveeran. His unique storytelling and vision are expected to elevate Chiyaan 63, making it a must-watch for fans of Vikram and Priyanka Mohan. As the project unfolds, excitement builds among Kollywood enthusiasts.