Global Star Ram Charan's political thriller Game Changer directed by Shankar which released amidst huge expectations at the box office on 10 Jan 2025 turned out to be a huge disappointment. Not only critics but also movie lovers are criticising Shankar for coming up with a routine story, silly screenplay and outdated elements.
In the midst of all this, when Game Changer makers released an official poster claiming that the film grossed Rs 186 crs world wide collections, everyone where shocked. Forget about trade pundits even commoners are attacking Game Changer makers for blatantly fudging collections by over Rs 100crs and trying to fool people and take them for a ride.
Many netizens reacted on social media in the following manner.
"standard 10% boost", but a straight up addition of a phantom ₹100+ crores. "This kind of FAKING is UNPRECEDENTED in the history of Indian Cinema!",