Film production and distribution company Sun Pictures recently shared a teaser for its next project, sparking speculation among fans about the upcoming film. The teaser, which is under 30 seconds long, features flashes of all the films produced by Sun Pictures, with the final slide captioned "Sun Pictures' next Super Saga." The use of the "Super" font, similar to the one used in Rajinikanth's signature title card, has led many to believe that the next Sun Pictures project will star the Tamil cinema superstar.
While some fans are speculating that the film could be Jailer 2, directed by Nelson Dilipkumar, others are convinced that it will be a brand-new project. The teaser has generated immense excitement among Rajinikanth fans, who are eagerly awaiting the announcement of his next film.
Rajinikanth's last film, Jailer, was a massive hit, grossing over Rs 650 crores worldwide and becoming one of the highest-grossing films of the Tamil film industry in 2023. The film's success has led to speculation about a potential sequel, but only the production house can confirm whether Jailer 2 is indeed in the works.
While fans wait with bated breath for the announcement of Rajinikanth's next film, the superstar is currently busy working on Coolie, which is also being produced by Sun Pictures. Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, Coolie boasts an impressive ensemble cast, including Nagarjuna, Sathyaraj, Upendra, Shruti Haasan, and Soubin Shahir. Reports also suggest that Aamir Khan may be joining the cast, although this has not been officially confirmed by the actor or the filmmakers.