All eyes are on Mahesh Babu's upcoming project with Rajamouli referred to SSMB29. Expectations are in full swing and now reports are coming that Rajamouli chalked out intense plans for Mahesh Babu.
Inside talk is Mahesh Babu will be training in China in martial arts and for that Rajamouli and Mahesh Babu will be flying to China in the third week of Jan. Rajamouli is of the opinion that Mahesh requires training in martial arts to shoot for the intense action sequence.
It is coming out that Mahesh Babu already completed training with Masai pygmies in Africa. It is known that Rajamouli is a tough task masters and he ensures that his heroes will train intensely for the role before he proceeds ahead with the shooting.
Sources reveal Mahesh will be sporting a long hair and flaunt his six pack for his role in the film.