Sankranthiki Vasthunnam, the family drama that has taken the box office by storm, was initially expected to release on OTT in the second week of February. However, the latest update suggests that producer Dil Raju is holding talks with Zee5 to delay the digital release. The film's OTT rights were bagged by Zee5 for a whopping ₹30 crore, but Dil Raju did not finalize the deal before the film's release.
The film's solid run in theaters has shocked the trade, with Sankranthiki Vasthunnam nearing the ₹300 crore mark. On its 13th day, the film grossed ₹10 crore, a record for this stage in its run. As a result, the makers are keen to capitalize on the film's theatrical success and delay its OTT release. Recently, OTT platforms have started structuring deals to pay producers extra for early digital releases, often within a month of theatrical release.
Directed by Anil Ravipudi, Sankranthiki Vasthunnam has captivated audiences with its impressive and hilarious narration. The film has become the biggest hit to date for both Anil Ravipudi and Venkatesh. With its stellar run in theaters showing no signs of slowing down, it remains to be seen when Sankranthiki Vasthunnam will finally land on OTT.
The delay in OTT release is likely to benefit the film's theatrical collections, allowing it to continue its dream run at the box office. Fans of Venkatesh and Anil Ravipudi will have to wait a little longer to watch the film on OTT, but the delay is likely to be worth it, given the film's massive success in theaters.