Maverick director Puri Jagannath took a long gap in completing ‘Nenu Naa Rakshasi’ after disastrous ‘Golimaar.’ Industry sources say, Puri knocked the doors of three star heroes to start next movie but unfortunately his falling career graph didn’t impress them. At this moment Jagan was planning to start a movie with his brother Sai Ram Shankar with working title ‘Chachchi Pothe,’ a story based on increasing suicides in society.
With in no time Daggubati Rana heard about this storyline requested Puri and that is how ‘Nenu Naa Rakshasi’ started off. Of course to match his image, Rana insisted on booking Ileana into the project making Puri to modify the script in a hurry. Well, ‘Nenu Naa Rakshasi’ is over delayed with severe negative talk spread early in the industry. But post the release of audio and trailers, fortunes look better. It is to be seen how far Rana, Ileana, Puri’s combination work out on 29th of this month.