Day by day rumors around Ileana’s rudeness towards ‘Shakti’ is taking a new form. Even though combination of Junior NTR and Ileana worked well with ‘Rakhi,’ the only secret reason why Goa beauty accepted the offer of Ashwini Dutt is not because of story or hero or director, it is just the heavy remuneration offered.
Yes, Ileana although had negative opinion on Junior NTR’s current form and doubtful on Meher’s abilities, it is Ashwini Dutt’s luring Rs.1.5 Crores fee package made the sexy, notorious heroine to accept the character. Now, being unfriendly to a movie after receiving the much needed pay cheque do not harm any heroine and Ileana isn’t worried as she hated ‘Shakti’ from early days of shooting. Hmmm....Illi babe’s business acumen is definitely appreciable.