Power Star Pawan Kalyan's 'Gabbar Singh' movie's audio hit the market recently and received wonderful response from the music lovers. As of now, many release dates have been heard like, 9th May, 18th May and 25th May for this movie. However, as per the reliable sources, it is learnt that the makers have decided to release the movie on 11th May. We need to wait for the official announcement of the makers about this date.
Dignified beauty Shruthi Haasan is pairing up with Pawan Kalyan in this film. Observers say, this movie is going to be the turning point of her career in tollywood. Devi Sri Prasad has rendered foot tapping numbers for this film. Pawan Kalyan's ardent fan, Harish Shankar is directing this film. Another fan, Bandla Ganesh is producing it under Sri Parameswara Arts banner.