Prince Mahesh Babu's bus(caravan) consisting the number AP23AG4005 has been fined by the Hyderabad Traffic Police as the bus was having tinted film glasses. As per the reports, the bus was stopped while it was going from Film Nagar to Nanakramguda via Sheik Pet. The driver of the bus was questioned by the police and he revealed that the bus belonged to Mahesh Babu. Even then, the police did their duty as they wrote a challan of Rs.1000 and issued the same to the driver. Meanwhile, the bus was said to be fully equipped with all the luxurious facilities inside.
Mahesh latest movie 'Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu' is doing well at the box office now. He is currently doing an untitled movie in the combo of the director Sukumar. Devi Sri Prasad is rendering the music of the movie. Kriti Sanon is sharing the screen space with Mahesh in the movie.