While the celebrity and legendary families of Tollywood are trying to enhance the respect and glory of their family members by doing original movies, here comes Nandamuri Taraka Rathna whose recently released trailer of ‘Mike Testing 143’ is rated as a suicidal attempt to flood away the prestige of Nandamuri clan. Yes, NTR’s imitation and funny spoofing of Junior NTR’s dialogue from ‘Brindavanam’ and Balayya’s power packed performance from ‘Samarasimha Reddy’ is used as a cheap promotion for ‘Mike Testing 143.’
If Taraka Rathna has become a laughing stock for general audience, the die-hard admirers of Nandamuri clan are oozing fire on such shameful behavior. None knows why NTR is selecting scripts like ‘Mike Testing 143’ and directors like Veeru K which may not do any good for his waning career. If the trailer of ‘Mike Testing 143’ is called as comedy piece by hero and director, then it is a true mental torture for Nandamuri Fans. Let us see, how loud and how ugly this mike blows in future?