One of the top media agencies who is known for direct attacks on Mega family heroes has yet again spilled the venom on ‘Zanjeer’ with a bombarding review. More than the review, the reviewers attacked Ramcharan’s look and performance as an artist. They even criticized Charan’s face as pasty and two dimensional resembling that of virtually created play station characters which get energized in press of a button. Another media agency did not stop from giving absolute ‘ZERO’ rating value for ‘Zanjeer.’
Well, this could be the personal opinion of reviewer or some sort of vendetta against Mega family to stop Ramcharan from rising on National arena. One more comment which has hurt the fans is, ‘Ramcharan doesn’t look like he is made of flesh and blood. Not a single thought seems to dwell beyond his kholed eyes. He is probably very short and that’s why that pompadour wobbles on his head throughout.’ Shhhh…did they leave anything in Ramcharan?