Pawan Kalyan referring ‘Atharintiki Daaredi’ as 100 Crores film might please the Fans and film circles but when will this movie touch this mark is a question which needs an answer. Definitely, Pawan Kalyan Mania is flying so high among public and for the first time, Trivikram Srinivas tapped the craze of Power Star in family audience. Anyways, this could become the biggest hit in careers both these talented director and hero.
With ‘Doosukeltha, Ramayya Vastavayya’ already released and ‘Bhai’ of Nagarjuna and ‘Masala’ of Venkatesh, Ram readying for release with in this month, it is still doubtful on how Pawan will cruise towards the century mark. As of now, shares of ‘Atharintiki Daaredi’ are first aimed to breach the full run of ‘Magadheera’ and then we can see the 100 Crores mark coming near. This can happen even after 100 days function.